New Year, New Love – How to find your mate in twenty-one-eight (2018)

Every new year, thousands of love seekers make a resolution that THIS is the year they will find true love. Dating sites like and POF report record registrations in the first weeks of January. If you are considering online dating to find your mate in twenty-one-eight, you’ve picked a good time, at at Love Assist Associates, you've come to the right place to start your journey.

Love Assist: offering tips and tools and your personal online dating chaperone...

You’ve heard of road assistance, but love assist? Wellington author, Dr Jordan Alexander is the founder of Love Assist Associates.

“Dating sites are the best place to meet people. Statistics show that 70% of all relationships will begin online by 2040. I think we should go online to find love, but do so with eyes wide open, and fully aware of the risks,” she told Mark Sainsbury in a recent RadioLIVE interview.

Alexander is raising awareness of staying safe online with her book: I love you, send money - a true story accounting her own romance scam encounter where she lost 140k. Keen to help others navigate through the plethora of online dating choices, she started Love Assist Associates.

“I’m 100% in favour of going online to find love. It makes sense in today’s fast-paced, techno-modern world. I just want people to be safe and go online eyes wide open.” That's where Love Assist comes in.

Love Assist provides friendly, open and honest assistance to those online love seekers, helping them grow their confidence to find an authentic love connection. The company shares knowledge about practical skills like writing online profiles, raises awareness of traps to avoid and grows your relationship capability. LAA works with you to explore yourself, the art of love and relationships, so you discover how to have a safe, fun and fruitful online dating experience.

LAA is not for everyone going online. "If you're looking for a hook-up, that's not us. We are into deep and meaningful connections. There are a lot of sex focused sites out there, we will leave that part of the market alone."

What LAA does provide are a range of services from free awareness and general information to the full-on "Love Assist Chaperone" - a hands-on assistant where you are coached by a trained LA Associate that helps you develop three online dating profiles and vet your first matches. LAA is based on research into what works best when finding your ideal match. It applies this research and years of coaching experience to the love arena.

Working with LAA saves time and effort in the long run, and ultimately improves the 'stickability' of a good match." A lot of people go online dating thinking of an ideal that isn’t necessarily their ideal mate, but rather society or media's ideal mate. We want people to take some time and really understand what their relationship needs are, what they're current love skills are, and then improve their chance of connecting with someone that they are really after."

LAA has set themselves a good target - their vision - to Love Assist one million relationship seekers around the globe by 2025. Maybe you'll be one in a million and celebrate next new year with your new love.

1 thought on “New Year, New Love – How to find your mate in twenty-one-eight (2018)”

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